- it is the investigation of information that is not allowed.
-creating new information
- Face recognition- camera's scanning a crowd: the way it is used, for analysis.
- Google Maps- work out who is where etc....
- Privacy
- Genetic Screening- ( offered by insurance companies) to see if the person is going to get an diseases.
- Processing is when data is updated, altered in any way shape or form to give it meaning.
- Changing original data.
- E.G.- Photoshop, Transaction processing, Thesaurus, spell check, file conversions, online translators and currency converters.
- Social Consequences for spell check: People may become reliant on this technology, and when it is not present they may not be able to compose sentences on the same standard.
- Social Benefits Its educating user. These tools are educating society, improving thier vocabulary.
- Accuracy of processing- Online language translator, translating sentence incorrectly, is it person who develops it or the person uses it.
- My School Website: Cotains imformation provided about a certain school academic level.
- Bias on website, only academic based, nothing is mentioned on say external curricular, like social justice environmental groups etc...
- Only about year 7 and 9
- It has its use but it must be weiged up, only a slice of information not whole picture.
- Spam Email: Some of these processes are contributing to unwanted technology such as spam.
- The process which output information system which is produced in hard copy or soft copy accoring to the needs of users.
- Depends on puspose of Information System and the type of data that the system allows.
- E.G.: Maps- Mobile
- E.G.- Led and 3D Glasses
- Hardwarres for displaying data, E.G. : Speakers.
- Surafce Computing: GUI elements replaced by everyday obejcts.
- Less type of people working, and you may need others to work for you, involved in certain fields.
- Taking place at table cusomters are sitting at.
- OLED- Uses much less power, better for the envrionment.
- Screen Magnification software.
- Screen Readers
- Cloud Computing: Applications and data in the cloud
- IPP 4 ( law) concerning storage and security states that the info. must be stored securely to prevent loss.
- IPP 5-7 record types of info they hold and who they give info access to.
- Hacker could exploit data through phishing and fraud.
- Identification Cards- unlawful access and retrieval of sensitive data- enablign one to steal another's identity.
- Radio Frequency Identification- can be incorporated into a product, animal, person for identification and tracking.
- Can make barcodes obsolete.
- Hacker & analysts could disable a car's RFID anti theft feature, swap procut's price for lower price or even medical info.( COPY) from RFID chip.
-CDS, flash storage (USB), memory cards.
- Such devices can be stolen and the thief can alter or delete the information stored on the device.
- Bias information.
- Corrupt data- can make things unworkable.
- Privacy of individuals, Privacy Act: Protects user from having their personal information collected.
- E.G. Facebook- notifies user which info is being collected or distributed
- Other forms in which user will notified if data is being collected include:
--> Surverys
- Body scanning.
- Web bots: E.G. Google, say type in a phrase from a newsletter of the school, it will come up.
- They build an index, Google doesnt store every page in the internet, it stores a table, a hugh table and every one row of that table will be the URL and by some means the keywords. So when typing a search into Google, it searches table, finds the URL and presents it to user.
- Inscription of data, stops people from viewing information they're not supposed to.
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Chapter 13: Using a solution- testing, evaluating and maintaining
System Analyst: Is involved in design of information system, chiefly what their role is- go between technical designers and the users and participants of the system.
E.G. School wants a website built, the web designer knows how to build it, someone in the middle who talks to both parties, is the system's analyst. Sits down and talks, and works out what they really need and then goes and talks to the designer, work out needs of users and conveys it to the designers.
1. The six ethical issues a system analyst should consider includes:
(1) Safety
(2) Security
(3) Privacy
(4) Theft, including plagiarism
(5) Reliability of data
(6) Euqity
(7) Copyright
2. The four social issues a system analyst should consider:
(1) Ergonomomics
(2) Work practices
(3) Changing Nature of Work
(4) Relationships between participants
(5) Psychological factors
(6) Design
(7) Increased ease of communication and access to knowledge
3. The Characteristics of people-centered systems are:
- focus is on the problem, not the tool
- are easily understood
-provide templates and assistants
-work reliably
- are user- friendly and intuitive
- are placed in a suitable environment
- are safe
- are ergonomically sound
- take advantage of the users' skills
-look appealing
-are efficient
-relieve users of repetitive and boring tasks
-enhance relationships with interaction with fellow workers
- provide equitable access for all
4. Ways that people are like machines are that both can understand the big picture as well as the detail.
Ways people are different from machines are they:
- get tired and bored
- make mistakes
- are slow to handle data
- can forget
- behave intuitively
- can think about the nature of the work
- can create new ideas and associations
- need training and retraining
- work best when work is meaningful
- can recognise a nonsensical output
5. The major advances in the desktop computer since the earliest models are:
- More attention to the needs of users
- The ports ( points for connection of cables) are put at the side instead in the rear.
- In terms of physical appearance- more dynamic design away from the "beige box" of the past.
6. I predict the home computer system in a decade's time will be obviously far more advanced than it already is. In order to make the computer do something, commands will be given verbally. Keyboards may only be part of some computers, touch screens will dominate. There is no doubt that technology will change dramatically as the years go past, and the development of the home computer system over the years have proven this.
How have computers changed?
- dial up connection- wireless
- monitors were different, big "boxy ones"- 15 inch, - LCD 22 inch
- machines slower ( 400 MHZ)- much faster ( 4 times), about 2.5 GHZ. Speed has increased exponentially.
- Floppy Disks loaded operating system
- RAM then (32 million kilo bytes) RAM now ( 4 million kilo bytes))
- No hard drive
- Only could have a program running one at a time - NOW multitasking computers
Respond using identify
7. The major social impacts that information technology has had on our society in the past 20 years:
- Information technology is widely accessible but to others, this is not the case.
- In many countries poor schools are unable to provide the access to information than other wealthier schools can provide.
- Access being equitable, then the level of technology can enhance and liberate the individual
- Access not being equitable, then there is an increase of the gap between the information poor rich and poor.
- Access to information meant access to power and control, then we are effectively creating a class in society who are powerless and thereby unable to share equally what others have.
8. Research the below, on its causes, treatment and system design features that would reduce it impact on operators.
RSI ( Repetitive Strain Injury)
-Poor posture, or badly organised work area that is not ergonomically sound
- Holding same posture for a long period of time.
- Long periods of work without a break
- Stress
- Fatigue
- Overuse of muscles, on a " continuous, repetitive basis
- Painkillers
-Heat and cold packs
-Orthopedic hand braces
- Soft tissue therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Osteopathy
- Massage
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Tai Che
- Acupuncture
- Surgery
System Design Features:
- Ensure workstation is ergonomically sound
- Retain a good posture, don't slouch
- Ergonomic equipment
- Learn all keyboard shortcuts
- Don't grip mouse too forcefully
- Position mouse at comfortable distance, don't position it too far from computer, as then you would have to stretch far.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Repetition in movement
- High forces
- Awkward joint posture
- Direct pressure
- Vibration
- " prolonged constrained " pressure
- Using a non- ergonomic keyboard
- Rest from any positions or movements which make symptoms worse
- Physiotherapy
- Wearing a wrist splint ( at night mostly)
- Cortisone injections or even tablets to reduce inflammation
- Fluid tablets to reduce swelling
- Surgery
System Design Features:
- Adjustable chair height
- Ergonomic equipment
- Such as keyboard/mouse tray system
Mostly to do with other diseases or
- infection
- injury
- overuse
- strain
- Main objective- to relieve pain and inflammation
- Resting
- Keeping affected tendons still
- Using a splint or brace to help "immobilize" tendons
- Applying hot or cold to affected area
- Anti- inflammatory medications to relieve pain and inflammation
- Surgery
System Design Features
- Ergonomic equipment
- Frequent breaks
- Move around wrist, fingers
System Analyst: Is involved in design of information system, chiefly what their role is- go between technical designers and the users and participants of the system.
E.G. School wants a website built, the web designer knows how to build it, someone in the middle who talks to both parties, is the system's analyst. Sits down and talks, and works out what they really need and then goes and talks to the designer, work out needs of users and conveys it to the designers.
1. The six ethical issues a system analyst should consider includes:
(1) Safety
(2) Security
(3) Privacy
(4) Theft, including plagiarism
(5) Reliability of data
(6) Euqity
(7) Copyright
2. The four social issues a system analyst should consider:
(1) Ergonomomics
(2) Work practices
(3) Changing Nature of Work
(4) Relationships between participants
(5) Psychological factors
(6) Design
(7) Increased ease of communication and access to knowledge
3. The Characteristics of people-centered systems are:
- focus is on the problem, not the tool
- are easily understood
-provide templates and assistants
-work reliably
- are user- friendly and intuitive
- are placed in a suitable environment
- are safe
- are ergonomically sound
- take advantage of the users' skills
-look appealing
-are efficient
-relieve users of repetitive and boring tasks
-enhance relationships with interaction with fellow workers
- provide equitable access for all
4. Ways that people are like machines are that both can understand the big picture as well as the detail.
Ways people are different from machines are they:
- get tired and bored
- make mistakes
- are slow to handle data
- can forget
- behave intuitively
- can think about the nature of the work
- can create new ideas and associations
- need training and retraining
- work best when work is meaningful
- can recognise a nonsensical output
5. The major advances in the desktop computer since the earliest models are:
- More attention to the needs of users
- The ports ( points for connection of cables) are put at the side instead in the rear.
- In terms of physical appearance- more dynamic design away from the "beige box" of the past.
6. I predict the home computer system in a decade's time will be obviously far more advanced than it already is. In order to make the computer do something, commands will be given verbally. Keyboards may only be part of some computers, touch screens will dominate. There is no doubt that technology will change dramatically as the years go past, and the development of the home computer system over the years have proven this.
How have computers changed?
- dial up connection- wireless
- monitors were different, big "boxy ones"- 15 inch, - LCD 22 inch
- machines slower ( 400 MHZ)- much faster ( 4 times), about 2.5 GHZ. Speed has increased exponentially.
- Floppy Disks loaded operating system
- RAM then (32 million kilo bytes) RAM now ( 4 million kilo bytes))
- No hard drive
- Only could have a program running one at a time - NOW multitasking computers
Respond using identify
7. The major social impacts that information technology has had on our society in the past 20 years:
- Information technology is widely accessible but to others, this is not the case.
- In many countries poor schools are unable to provide the access to information than other wealthier schools can provide.
- Access being equitable, then the level of technology can enhance and liberate the individual
- Access not being equitable, then there is an increase of the gap between the information poor rich and poor.
- Access to information meant access to power and control, then we are effectively creating a class in society who are powerless and thereby unable to share equally what others have.
8. Research the below, on its causes, treatment and system design features that would reduce it impact on operators.
RSI ( Repetitive Strain Injury)
-Poor posture, or badly organised work area that is not ergonomically sound
- Holding same posture for a long period of time.
- Long periods of work without a break
- Stress
- Fatigue
- Overuse of muscles, on a " continuous, repetitive basis
- Painkillers
-Heat and cold packs
-Orthopedic hand braces
- Soft tissue therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Osteopathy
- Massage
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Tai Che
- Acupuncture
- Surgery
System Design Features:
- Ensure workstation is ergonomically sound
- Retain a good posture, don't slouch
- Ergonomic equipment
- Learn all keyboard shortcuts
- Don't grip mouse too forcefully
- Position mouse at comfortable distance, don't position it too far from computer, as then you would have to stretch far.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Repetition in movement
- High forces
- Awkward joint posture
- Direct pressure
- Vibration
- " prolonged constrained " pressure
- Using a non- ergonomic keyboard
- Rest from any positions or movements which make symptoms worse
- Physiotherapy
- Wearing a wrist splint ( at night mostly)
- Cortisone injections or even tablets to reduce inflammation
- Fluid tablets to reduce swelling
- Surgery
System Design Features:
- Adjustable chair height
- Ergonomic equipment
- Such as keyboard/mouse tray system
Mostly to do with other diseases or
- infection
- injury
- overuse
- strain
- Main objective- to relieve pain and inflammation
- Resting
- Keeping affected tendons still
- Using a splint or brace to help "immobilize" tendons
- Applying hot or cold to affected area
- Anti- inflammatory medications to relieve pain and inflammation
- Surgery
System Design Features
- Ergonomic equipment
- Frequent breaks
- Move around wrist, fingers
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Machine- Centred and People- Centred Systems Notes
People Centred- Systems that are desgined do that system fits the users'needs.
- Buling a P.C.S it means paying attention to the needs of people, so that participants and users find it user friendly.
Peopl Centred Systems:
-School Printer
Machine Centred- Where the user is the there to serve the needs of system.
International Ergonomics Association defines ergonomics as follows:
Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.
- Associated with people centred system
- Buling a P.C.S it means paying attention to the needs of people, so that participants and users find it user friendly.
Peopl Centred Systems:
-School Printer
Machine Centred- Where the user is the there to serve the needs of system.
International Ergonomics Association defines ergonomics as follows:
Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.
- Associated with people centred system
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Australian Legislation Covering Information Systems
This is an activity relating to the colleciton and use of data and information as per Australian laws- Wednesday 10th of March 2010 <-- Website
The above site is an excellent resource for examining Australian laws governing the collection and use of data and information:
1. The name of the act or law that governs the collection and use of data in Australia.
The Privacy Act 1988 ( amended in 2000's)
2. The Information Privacy Principles (see IPP plain English summary).
From the website :
IPP 1: manner and purpose of collection
The information must be necessary for the agency's work, and collected fairly and lawfully.
IPP 2: collecting information directly from individuals
An agency must take steps to tell individuals why they are collecting personal information, what laws give them authority to collect it, and to whom they usually disclose it. This is often done by what is called an IPP 2 notice.
IPP 3: collecting information generally
An agency must take steps to ensure the personal information it collects is relevant, up-to-date and complete and not collected in an unreasonably intrusive way.
IPP 4: storage and security
Personal information must be stored securely to prevent its loss or misuse.
IPPs 5 - 7: access and amendment
These principles require agencies to take steps to record the type of personal information that they hold and to give individuals access to personal information about them. Personal information can be amended or corrected if it is wrong.
IPPs 8 - 10: information use
These principles outline the rules about keeping accurate, complete and up-to-date personal information; using information for a relevant purpose; and only using the information for another purpose in special circumstances, such as with the individual's consent or for some health and safety or law enforcement reasons.
IPP 11: disclosure
This principle sets out when an agency may disclose personal information to someone else, for example another agency. This can only be done in special circumstances, such as with the individual's consent or for some health and safety or law enforcement reasons. "
4. For the information system your group researched, identify relevant privacy principles and how they apply.
IPP 4: Storage and Security - of youtube user's information .
IPP 10: Information Use- whether or not the user's information is being used appropriately- appropriate information use.
IPP 11: Disclosure- Does youtube have the right to disclose a user's information to other information systems.
[ E.G. IPP 5-7: Access and amendmentCredit Ratings] <-- Website
The above site is an excellent resource for examining Australian laws governing the collection and use of data and information:
1. The name of the act or law that governs the collection and use of data in Australia.
The Privacy Act 1988 ( amended in 2000's)
2. The Information Privacy Principles (see IPP plain English summary).
From the website :
IPP 1: manner and purpose of collection
The information must be necessary for the agency's work, and collected fairly and lawfully.
IPP 2: collecting information directly from individuals
An agency must take steps to tell individuals why they are collecting personal information, what laws give them authority to collect it, and to whom they usually disclose it. This is often done by what is called an IPP 2 notice.
IPP 3: collecting information generally
An agency must take steps to ensure the personal information it collects is relevant, up-to-date and complete and not collected in an unreasonably intrusive way.
IPP 4: storage and security
Personal information must be stored securely to prevent its loss or misuse.
IPPs 5 - 7: access and amendment
These principles require agencies to take steps to record the type of personal information that they hold and to give individuals access to personal information about them. Personal information can be amended or corrected if it is wrong.
IPPs 8 - 10: information use
These principles outline the rules about keeping accurate, complete and up-to-date personal information; using information for a relevant purpose; and only using the information for another purpose in special circumstances, such as with the individual's consent or for some health and safety or law enforcement reasons.
IPP 11: disclosure
This principle sets out when an agency may disclose personal information to someone else, for example another agency. This can only be done in special circumstances, such as with the individual's consent or for some health and safety or law enforcement reasons. "
4. For the information system your group researched, identify relevant privacy principles and how they apply.
IPP 4: Storage and Security - of youtube user's information .
IPP 10: Information Use- whether or not the user's information is being used appropriately- appropriate information use.
IPP 11: Disclosure- Does youtube have the right to disclose a user's information to other information systems.
[ E.G. IPP 5-7: Access and amendmentCredit Ratings]
Monday, 8 March 2010
Ethical and Social Issues ( Mini Project)
Notes on other groups:
YOUTUBE ( other group)
--> Privacy
- Exposed to whole world
- Everyone can view the video.
- Some channels can be hidden
--> Security of data and information
- Security of account is important
- Information provided by users, somethings are optional
--> Accuracy of Data and Information
- Can be bias
- Organisations that do use youtube and are reliable.
--> Changing nature of work
- Music Careers
- Videos that take great popurality
- Promotes people and songs
-->Appropriate information use
-Anyone has the authority to post videos.
--> Health and Safety
-Children under 13 aernt allowed to access Youtube
- Comments can be "thumbed down or dumbed up" or flagged
--> Copyright Laws
-Videos that dont show any copyright authority will be removed.
YOUTUBE ( other group)
--> Privacy
- Exposed to whole world
- Everyone can view the video.
- Some channels can be hidden
--> Security of data and information
- Security of account is important
- Information provided by users, somethings are optional
--> Accuracy of Data and Information
- Can be bias
- Organisations that do use youtube and are reliable.
--> Changing nature of work
- Music Careers
- Videos that take great popurality
- Promotes people and songs
-->Appropriate information use
-Anyone has the authority to post videos.
--> Health and Safety
-Children under 13 aernt allowed to access Youtube
- Comments can be "thumbed down or dumbed up" or flagged
--> Copyright Laws
-Videos that dont show any copyright authority will be removed.
Ethical and Social Issues: Youtube
Youtube Pwerpoint <-- Click Here
This mini project is related to social and ethical issues relating to information systems.
My group consisted of Stephanie, Rehma and myself
We split the issues and this is what each of us did:
- Changing nature of work
- Appropriate information use
- Health and Safety
- Copyright Laws
- Security of data and information
- Accuracy of data information
- Health and Safety
- Copyright Laws
- Privacy of the individual
- Data quality
- Health and Safety
- Copyright Laws
So each of us found articles related to the different issues.
I also found some examples of video from youtube relating to issues, and also found a youtube video relating to "How To Stay Safe On Youtube."
This mini project is related to social and ethical issues relating to information systems.
My group consisted of Stephanie, Rehma and myself
We split the issues and this is what each of us did:
- Changing nature of work
- Appropriate information use
- Health and Safety
- Copyright Laws
- Security of data and information
- Accuracy of data information
- Health and Safety
- Copyright Laws
- Privacy of the individual
- Data quality
- Health and Safety
- Copyright Laws
So each of us found articles related to the different issues.
I also found some examples of video from youtube relating to issues, and also found a youtube video relating to "How To Stay Safe On Youtube."
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